Examples for using EigenTrust

Example guides for using EigenTrust with the OpenRank SDK

Objective: Identify top users on Base channel based on peer-to-peer token trasnfer transactions on Base.

Input Local Trust (i, j, v): Localtrust is created based on stablecoin and native token transfers on base, optimism, and ethereum mainnet among EOAs. To scope the graph down, Included addresses from users who have casted in the /base channel on Farcaster.

Input Seed Trust (I, V): Focus on the most active users in the /base channel. Calculated the SeedTrust score as total engagement multiplied by the number of distinct addresses they have transacted with.

Output Rankings: The output will be a ranked list EOAs based on their trust scores.

Example 2: DAO Votes

Objective: Ranking proposers from Aave, Compound, dydx, ENS, and Gitcoin DAO based on the equivalent USD amount of votes they receive as trust weight.

Input Local Trust (i, j, v): This examples uses this dune query for generating the local trust matrix consisting of i - EOA of the address who voted, j - EOA of the proposer who got the vote and v - Equivalent USD amount of votes received.

Input PreTrust (I, V): Here it is set to default making all voters within the network have a common trust score.

Output Rankings: The output will be a ranked list of proposers from the specified DAOs (Aave, Compound, dYdX, ENS, and Gitcoin) based on the total equivalent USD amount of votes they received, weighted by trust.

Video demo explaining the same can be found here.

Other Ideas:

  1. User Rankings based on Tipping (eg: Degen)

  2. Ranking developers based on Github forks and stars

  3. POAP Rankings

  4. Reputable Users based on EAS attestations within a schema

If you have a specific use case in mind and are interested in exploring the capabilities of our SDK, feel free to reach out to us here.

Last updated