🔵Channel Trending Casts
Get a list of recent casts that are the most popular based on Eigentrust scores of fids in the channel.
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Get a list of recent casts that are the most popular based on Eigentrust scores of fids in the channel.
Last updated
Get a list of recent casts that are the most popular based on Eigentrust scores of fids in the channel.
This API takes optional parameters - agg, weights, offset, limit andlite.
Parameter 'agg' is used to define the aggregation function and
can take any of the following values - rms
, sumsquare
, sum
Parameter 'weights' is used to define the weights to be assigned to (L)ikes, (C)asts, (R)ecasts and repl(Y) actions by profiles.
Parameter 'lite' is used to constrain the result to just cast hashes.
Parameter 'offset' is used to specify how many results to skip and can be useful for paginating through results.
Parameter 'limit' is used to specify the number of results to return.
By default, agg=sumsquare, weights='L1C10R5Y1', offset=0, limit=25, and lite=true i.e., returns recent 25 popular casts.
, base
, optimisim
, founders
, farcaster
Define the aggregation function - rms
, sumsquare
, sum
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