Top Profiles in Channel
Get a list of FIDs based on the engagement relationships in the given channel and ranked by Eigentrust algorithm.
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Get a list of FIDs based on the engagement relationships in the given channel and ranked by Eigentrust algorithm.
Last updated
Get a list of fids based on the engagement relationships in the given channel and scored by Eigentrust algorithm.
Specify one of the following as channel_id:
, base
, optimism
, founders
, farcaster
This API takes two optional parameters - offset and limit.
Parameter 'offset' is used to specify how many results to skip and can be useful for paginating through results.
Parameter 'limit' is used to specify the number of results to return.
Parameter 'lite' is used to indicate if additional details like fnames and percentile should be returned or not.
By default, limit is 100, offset is 0 and lite is True i.e., returns top 100 fids.
, base
, optimisim
, founders
, farcaster
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