Clanker OpenRank Scores
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Clanker OpenRank Scores are calculated for tokens deployed using Clanker. These scores are calculated based on the reputation of traders/holders of clanker tokens. These scores can be used by social apps, bots and clients to power search and discovery of clankers through feeds such as recent, trending, top or popular among my friends/network.
Some of the common use cases for Clanker Scores include:
Sorting token feeds by recent, trending, or new activity.
Creating indexes of popular tokens or funds.
Identifying tokens associated with high-reputation users.
Further examples and use cases can be found below.
A variety of Clanker scores can be viewed on our dune dashboard.
Currently these scores are updated every 15 mins and available as an API on Dune. we may make these available via dedicated APIs.
These scores are based on the OpenRank scores of buyers, which reflect the reputation of individual users. We map the buyer’s reputation to their buying activity, generating the Clanker Score based on intentional buying actions. This score highlights the trustworthiness of buyers within the Farcaster network.
Query ID: 4355256
Here is a quick Google Collab, that shows how can you use the dune SDK to quickly fetch the scores
You can integrate Clanker Scores into your application in two ways:
Fetch All Scores at Once: You can retrieve all Clanker Scores in bulk and store them in your database for periodic use.
Fetch Scores in Real-Time: You can query Clanker Scores from Dune in real-time for a specific token address.
Obtain a Dune API Key To get started, sign up for a Dune account and get an API key.
Decide Which Scores You Need Choose the Clanker Score type(s) you require. Refer to the relevant Query ID for each score type:
Buyer Reputation Score: 4355256
Wallet Holder Reputation Score: 4354937
Fetch Scores from Dune You can fetch scores either in bulk or for a specific token address. Below is a quick Google Colab example that demonstrates how to use the Dune SDK to fetch Clanker Scores.