GitHub Developers & Repo Ranking

This ranking is seeded by Optimism OP Stack repos. GitHub developers and repos are scored based on their reputation proximity to the OP Stack seed repos.

BigQuery tables: openrank-data.devrank_2024{0627,0910}.{user,repo}_scores

A graph of relevant GitHub event data from Open Source Observer, covering more than 2,000 organizations and over 30,000 code repositories, was employed in generating these scores. We established two kinds of peers: GitHub users and repositories. We then used a variation of EigenTrust, the Hubs and Authorities algorithm, which computes rankings on an asymmetric bipartite trust graph. Below are the two different trust edges used in the graph:

  • User-to-repository trust - this signals the user’s interest in the repository through actions such as stars, forks and issue/PR submissions.

  • Repository-to-user trust - this signals the credit extended by the repository to the user for their contribution. Actions such as PRs merged, direct code commits received, and other maintenance actions.


  1. There are two versions of the same dataset:

    • openrank-data.devrank_20240627 has the scores used for Optimism Retro 5 guest voter selection. It uses GitHub activities up until June 27th, 2024 as the input data.

    • openrank-data.devrank_20240910 has the scores used for Optimism Retro 5 metrics. It uses GitHub activities up until September 10th, 2024 as the input data.

  2. For historic reasons, the two score sets are not on the same scale. In order to compare, multiply the scores in the openrank-data.devrank_20240627 dataset by 2.25014877694904 (user score) and 1.49998254193340 (repo score).

Rationale and Verification

Learn more about the rationale of the scores here.

Play with our tool to understand the rationale and create your own rankings to verify it!

Last updated